
Gets to the tough spots without you

Designed for tricky infill situations, Liquifill is the labour-saving structural fill solution that gets to the tough spots without compacting. 

Enrich your project. Contact us today about Liquifill.

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Technical information
SlumpFree flowing
ComplianceGenerally complies with AS1379
  • Conduit trenches
  • Sewer trenches
  • Culverts
  • Inground tank
  • Retaining walls
  • Backfill and infill
  • Underground tanks
  • Abandoned mines and wells
  • Manholes
  • Soil erosion control
  • Pressure grouting
  • Utility trenches
Features and benefits

Save time and reduce job costs

Liquifill uses fine aggregates with a very high slump to promote great workability. This means it flows into all the gaps, including those against walls, down trenches, in odd shapes or underground cavities, without the need for external vibrating or compacting and because it’s self-levelling, no finishing is required. This speeds up your backfilling operation and reduces machinery, manpower and overall job costs.

Finish faster, use it sooner

LiquiFill is free flowing under its own hydrostatic weight, so there is no need to move input points, compact or vibrate. It won’t settle or rut under loading which means it can be walked on within 10 hours and driven on by heavy machinery within 24 hours.

More stable than fill

The durability of Liquifill and its ability to fills all voids, means it’s less water permeable and more resistant to erosion than clean fill, crushed aggregates and sand cement blend fills.

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